How to partition Hard drive without formatting - Ultimate guide

How to partition hard drive without formatting !!! 

Windows 7 and above have special ability to shrink partition and create a new one without losing any data and formatting existing partition. Before creating a new partition from old one, make
sure the existing drive is 50% empty so that you don't lose any data.

 How to partition hard drive without formatting in Win7 ?

Step 1: Right-click on Computer in Start menu and
select Manage

Step 2: Double-click on Storage and then select Disk

Step 3: In this screen you see all the drives present
on your computer. Suppose you wan to partition drive D which has
size of 20GB and want to create another drive G of
10GB from drive D, so right-click on drive D and
select option Shrink

Step 4: In next windows, type in 10000 for 10GB in Enter the amount of space to Shrink in MB option, you can replace 10000(for 10GB) with anything else of your choice

Step 5: Click on Shrink button and wait for few minutes

Step 6: After a while, you will find a new Unallocated space which would be about same size, now right click on it and select option – New Simple Volume…

Step 7: Click next twice, if you want to continue with the same size

Step 8: Select the drive letter for the new drive and click next

Step 9: Keep the default settings i.e. Format this volume and make sure NTFS is selected

Step 10: Click next and then finish, wait for a while and you have done! your new drive has been created
without formatting any other drive

Please remember that formatting drive and creating new drive is very serious stuff which may
sometimes requires patience, not going according to steps and unexpected shutdown may destroy
your harddrive so be careful with this stuff.
Above was for Windows Vista and above,

Windows XP user may use 3rd-party applications such as EaseUS. 
