Feedly sees 500,000 new users since Google Reader closure announced

The news that Google Reader is to be closed down for good later this year has hit a lot of us really hard. For many it's the go-to way of getting their daily news fix, and for others -- including everyone on staff here -- it's an integral tool to help us get through the working day. There will be alternatives, but we will miss Google Reader.
One such alternative is Feedly, and the team has announced a huge influx of new users. In the first 48 hours since the announcement by Google, Feedly has seen 500,000 new Google Reader users join their ranks. Not bad numbers, considering the service is supposed to be in decline. Feedly also has clients for iOS, Chrome, Safari and Firefox, so it's got a big chunk of the bases covered. The reason behind the influx is most likely the fact that Feedly is developing their own system to transition Google Reader users over seamlessly when turn off day finally arrives.
Feedly has also announced how they're coping with the increased user base, including massively increasing their bandwidth and adding new servers. And, if you're all about function and less about fashion, the Feedly team has also written up some sweet tips on how to make it less pretty and more functional. Great stuff.

Source: Feedly
